Top 30 Amazing Spider Tattoos on Different Placement of Your Body

Top 30 Amazing Spider Tattoos on Different Placement of Your Body

Are you someone who likes spiders, or are you afraid of them? Maybe you stand somewhere in the middle? Either way it may be, spiders are an amazing tattoo inspiration and creation that can work for so many people! If you’re interested in finding your ideal spider tattoo just keep on reading since we have…

40+ Best Glow In The Dark Tattoo: Everything You Need to Know

40+ Best Glow In The Dark Tattoo: Everything You Need to Know

2021 brought a tattoo trend that’s a great blast from the past. If the regular ink doesn’t meet your needs, or you don’t want your tattoo to be visible at all times, then you should check glow in the dark tattoos out. They are also known as Blacklight tattoos and they’re taking over the internet…

40+ Dazzling Starfish Tattoos: Designs, Meanings, And Best Placements

40+ Dazzling Starfish Tattoos: Designs, Meanings, And Best Placements

Starfish are marine, exquisite creatures that belong to the fascinating, still unknown undersea world. Since they look amazing and have a substantial symbolic value, starfish tattoos have increased popularity among body art enthusiasts. These designs are suitable for each gender, and they work excellently in black and white and as watercolor tattoos. The starfish symbols…

40+ Best Tropical Palm Tree Tattoos: The Inked Trip To Sun Paradise

40+ Best Tropical Palm Tree Tattoos: The Inked Trip To Sun Paradise

Close your eyes and think about your best holiday ever. Can you already feel the glazing sun, the cool breeze running through your hair, the glittery sea? Well, what could miss from this landscape other than some perfectly looking palm trees? Their leaves trembling, the shadow they do, you sitting under their leaves, what could…

70+ Best Alien Tattoo Ideas: Mystic Ink Designs For 2024

70+ Best Alien Tattoo Ideas: Mystic Ink Designs For 2024

If you are looking for a stellar vibe for your body art pieces, as well as an awesome tattoo that expresses your galactic love, then pin this article. Today is about some inspiring alien ink representations that will make you look outstanding. People are going insane when it comes to paranormal worlds, and they have…

Top 30 Meaningful Evil Eye Tattoo Design Ideas (2024 Updated)

Top 30 Meaningful Evil Eye Tattoo Design Ideas (2024 Updated)

Evil eye tattoos are some of the most and easily recognizable ones. You’ll enjoy them yourself if you get informed about their meaning, culture, as well as symbolism. Keep on reading and find your next and best evil eye tattoo idea concept down below that will suit you, especially if you are a picky person…

70+ Best Wrist Tattoo Design Ideas: Body Art Pieces To Make You Pop Out

70+ Best Wrist Tattoo Design Ideas: Body Art Pieces To Make You Pop Out

The wrist is by far one of the most visible body parts we humans have. As such, when getting a tattoo you really want to show off, consider this skin area. In addition, wrist tattoos will speak a lot about your character. Therefore, this is a strong reason to have wrist tattoos. Standard on both…

50+ Medusa Inspired Tattoo Design Ideas (2024 Updated)

50+ Medusa Inspired Tattoo Design Ideas (2024 Updated)

If you’re drawn to Greek mythology and empowering literary figures, then you might want to consider a Medusa inspired tattoo design. The stoney-eyed, serpentine maiden was supposedly cursed by Athena, who mad with envy and rage, damned Medusa with a gaze that would instantly turn anyone to stone as soon as they entered her field…